Funding Opportunities
Strong and Resilient Communities Activity – Inclusive Communities (SARC – IC) Round 4 Grants
Closing Date & Time: 9:00pm 20 February 2025
The Strong and Resilient Communities - Inclusive Communities Round 4 grants aim to support vulnerable and disadvantaged people on pathways to self-reliance and empowerment through local, community-driven solutions that support them to participate socially and economically by providing grant funding for one-off, time limited projects of up to 2 years. Read more HERE
$1,000 SafeWork small business rebate
If you are a small business owner in NSW, this $1,000 rebate will help you purchase safety items to improve work health and safety for you and your workers. Read more HERE
Farm Household Allowance
A payment for farming families in financial hardship.
To get this you must:
be a farmer or partner of a farmer
meet the income and assets test limits
meet mutual obligation requirements.
A farmer must contribute significant labour and capital to a farm.
Read more HERE about the program or read full conditions HERE.
Strengthening Rural Communities Small & Vital grants(ongoing)
The SSRC Small & Vital stream gives small remote, rural and regional communities across Australia the opportunity to access funds for a broad range of initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities.
Grants up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities that strengthen local people, places and climate solutions, with a preference for smaller communities (populations under 15,000).
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly. Read more HERE
NSW Land for Wildlife Landholder Biodiversity Grant
Landholders who are members of Land for Wildlife can apply at any time for a Landholder Biodiversity Grant.
Land for Wildlife Members can apply for up to $2,000/year for up to 3 years with each year being a new application. If demand for the program is high this may mean you are only successful in one year. Years 2 and 3 applications will be considered after successful acquittal of previous year.
The following activities are eligible:
- Assisted regeneration and weed control
- Fencing to secure conservation area or to enable restoration of native vegetation
- Introduced pest animal control
- Revegetation (including supplementary planting with local species)
- Improvement in Habitat Structure through additional ground cover layers
- Repairs to existing habitat, soil or waterways to maintain biodiversity values
- Other work needed to maintain biodiversity values
In some cases, L4W may arrange to visit you on your property to assess eligibility or the success of outcomes. Previously completed works will NOT be eligible for a grant. Read more HERE
Expressions of Interest are open for the 2024-25 Supporting Women in Business Grants
closing 3:00 pm Friday, 14 February 2025.
Women NSW is encouraging eligible organisations to apply for grant funding of between $150,000 and $250,000 to deliver tailored projects that assist women from focus communities in starting, running and growing their own business.
SWIB supports women to overcome the challenges and barriers they face when starting or growing a micro or small business. The grants seek to increase women’s skills and confidence to support them in achieving their business goals. Read more HERE
The 2024–25 Volunteer Grants Opportunity is open for EOIs through Federal Members of Parliament (MP).
Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations that rely on volunteers. Organisations nominated by their MP will be invited to fill out an application form in February 2025. Read more HERE
Expressions of Interest for Spring 2024 Native Tree Planting.
GLENRAC is inviting your Expressions of Interest in our next tree-planting project.
To find out if you are eligible to be included in this project, please register your interest by email to or call 02 6732 3443
Primary producers can claim an immediate deduction for capital expenses on fencing & fodder storage.
Fence and fencing asset includes an enclosure or barrier, usually made of metal or wood, around or along a field or paddock and includes posts, rails, wire, droppers, gates, fittings and anchor assemblies.
Fodder and fodder storage asset includes a structural improvement, a repair of a capital nature, or an alteration, addition or extension, to an asset or structural improvement, that is a fodder storage asset. Read more HERE
Drought Ready & Resilient Fund
Through the Drought Ready and Resilient Fund, eligible primary producers can access a low-interest loan up to $250,000 to help prepare for, manage and recover from drought.
Applications are now open and will continue to be accepted until program funding is exhausted.
Drought Infrastructure Fund (ongoing)
The Drought Infrastructure Fund is a long-term, low-interest loan supporting NSW farmers to invest in permanent on-farm infrastructure that will manage adverse seasonal conditions, improve water efficiencies, ensure long-term sustainability, improve pasture & soil health, and improve farm productivity.
Eligible producers can borrow up to $1 million per project at a 2.5% fixed interest rate for loans that can be repaid over 20 years.
This grant is on-going. More HERE
Wettenhall Trust Small Environmental Grant Scheme
Providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban. We support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community groups. Learn more or apply HERE