Working on Wetlands around Little Llangothlin Lagoon


Submitted by WetLandcare Australia

Landholders around Little Llangothlin Lagoon are rolling out on-ground works to improve wetland health and farm management, with the help of WetlandCare Australia and the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS). This project has provided funding to assist farmers around the internationally significantly Little Llangothlin Lagoon wetland to install farm infrastructure including fencing and alternate watering arrangements to improve farm productivity whilst protecting valuable wetland habitats in the region. The project has also worked with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services to restore important ecosystems within the Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve.

 In total, over two kilometres of stock fencing has been installed across three properties which will allow farmers to manage stock strategically to maximise productivity and efficiency whilst minimising impacts to over 7.5 ha of sensitive wetland habitats including areas of Montane Peat Swamps and Upland Wetlands, both threatened ecological communities. Several farmers have also been assisted with funding to establish stock watering infrastructure to improve stock health as well as water quality within the subcatchment.

With the help of environmental company ‘Fifteen Trees’, this project has also assisted NPWS to undertake revegetation of over 2.5 hectares of New England Peppermint Woodland within the Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve. This community is nationally threatened and contributes to the international significance of the Lagoon.

Senior Project Officer, Eli Dutton from WetlandCare Australia, was thrilled with the successful partnerships and the outcomes achieved throughout the project.  “With funding from Local Land Services we have been able to assist multiple landholders who have shown a forward-thinking approach to best-practice farm management. We are seeing real on-ground benefits for farmers and mutual benefits for the health of the catchment and environment.”

This project provides an excellent example of how multiple partnerships and knowledge sharing can work on the ground to provide comprehensive natural resource management solutions to safeguard farm productivity and significant ecosystems in the region. This project has been funded by the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services under the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program.

 For further information please contact: Eli Dutton Senior Project Officer WetlandCare Australia Telephone: 1800 816 147   Email:


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