Let GLENRAC help you to put the Spring in your Step!

Feeling flat from the constant challenges of drought, fire, covid and life?
Are you lacking motivation and direction?
Wants some tools for planning and time management?
Do you want to bring 2021 home with a bang?

Let GLENRAC help you put the Spring in your step.

Take some time to improve your direction, planning and time management.

During the month of September,
We are offering 10 places to House Paddock Training and Consulting’s SPRING CLEAN PROGRAM  - A 4 module program that will help revitalise you!

  1. Clarity of direction – where are you going and why?

  2. Goals and Strategy – what are you trying to achieve and how?

  3. Time management and efficiency – tools and tips to get more out of your hours

  4. Mindset and execution – excuses, habits, labels, rituals and routines…

Not only will you receive free access to the program,
you will also receive a free copy of House Paddock’s Perfect Quarterly Planner!

Value of over $250 

Open to GLENRAC members of the Glen Innes Severn Council only– become a member (It’s Free!)

To join GLENRAC and the Spring Clean Team, 
Contact kelly.walsh@glenrac.org.aut kelly.walsh@glenrac.org.au


Productive Producer podcast series


Survey to determine GLENRAC farmers annual contribution of public good Natural Resource Management (NRM) outcomes