Australian Government Commendation for GLENRAC partnership work.

2022 Australian Government agency staff visit LLNR during its very wet phase.

Australian Government Agency staff visited LLNR during the height of drought in 2019.

Professor Paul MacDonald (UNE project partner) and his staff now need a canoe to reach the sound sensors installed at LLNR since 2019 to catch the call of the critically endangered Australasian Bittern.

Staff from the Australian Government Canberra agency for environment and wetlands visited the region recently to review the work that GLENRAC and its partners – National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (NTLLS) – have been accomplishing in our National Landcare Program Phase 2 (NLP2) projects. 

GLENRAC is completing this financial year two five-year projects in the NLP2 grant system - Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve (RAMSAR site) and Gondwana Shield weed project within and around the World Heritage Areas of Washpool and Gibraltar Range National Parks and surrounding private lands.   Australian Government agency staff visited both sites with GLENRAC project manager, Dr Mahri Koch, NPWS ranger Koen Dijkstra, and NTLLS officer Anya Salmon.  Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve was a picture of health compared with the Government’s first visit in 2019 when the drought was in full swing, and the lagoon was totally dry.

Federal agency staff feedback after the visit highlighted the importance of functional partnerships when delivering projects: “It was so valuable to have you available all day and we are very fortunate to have the ‘continuity’ that each of you represent.    It was obvious that (annual project reports) don’t truly reflect the extent of the partnerships and the amount of collaboration that all engage in here in the Northern Tablelands.” 




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