Dung Beetle Project Update


Livestock producers around Glen Innes district have volunteered to be part of a Dung Beetle Friendly Farms project. The project will look at the positive benefits of a very efficient recycler and determine the range of species in the Glen Innes district over the period of 12-months.

The six farms from across the district are monitoring their dung beetle populations by monthly trapping activities. Beetles are collected and handed in to be identified and results collated.  Landholders involved attended a dung beetle monitoring/trapping training afternoon in May.  Any gaps in beetle species populations will be indentified and options to fill these gaps researched. This project will then fund the purchase of complementary dung beetle species for these properties.

This project has also funded the purchase of a new book titled “Ecology and Evolution of Dung Beetles” and has been donated to the Glen Innes Severn library to be borrowed by anyone interested in dung beetles.  This book is newly released and is a comprehensive resource about dung beetles.

We were also very lucky to acquire a few Dung Beetle dictionaries which are a field guide to Introduced Dung Beetles in Australia.  These have been given to the project participants.

To visit the Dung Beetle placestory click HERE


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