Drought Resilient Landscapes Project – Walcha Case Study #2 (Walcha)

Drought Resilient Pasture Landscapes ( School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England) have released the second case study about landholder experiences with the DRPL project, using Ag360.

“The University of New England (UNE) is helping farmers like Andy and Jo Burwell, who manage a property south of Walcha, to mitigate the impact of future dry spells. Through the Drought Resilient Pasture Landscapes project, participants from Deepwater to Walcha, NSW, are working to improve pasture management using a combination of hands-on coaching and climate forecasting tools.

 The project is more than just technical training; it builds a supportive community where like-minded farmers connect, share insights, and uplift one another, often resulting in improved mental health.

With Ag360’s technology, farmers are accessing enhanced accuracy, real-time data, and forecasts up to six months ahead, empowering them to make informed decisions and build a more resilient future as part of this project. Find out more: www.ag360.com.au

This project was funded by the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund – Drought Resilient Soils and Landscapes (DRSL) Grants Program and hosted by the University of New England, with on-ground partners GLENRAC Inc., Southern New England Landcare Ltd. and Northern Tablelands Local Land Services.”


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