Photo caption: Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall, left, with Inverell Shire Mayor Paul Harmon. Mr Marshall is urging local councils and community groups to get their applications in for a share of funding under round 5 of the State Government’s popular Stronger Country Communities

The Hon Adam Marshall MP - Member fore Northern Tablelands

COMMUNITIES across the Northern Tablelands are set to benefit from a $9.9 million funding shot-in-the-arm for infrastructure projects that benefit the community, with the announcement of round five of the NSW Stronger Country Communities Fund.

Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall today encouraged local councils and community groups to identify and apply for projects that would make a real difference to their local community.

“The Stronger Country Communities Fund has already delivered much-needed projects across our region and I’m absolutely delighted the government has provided another round of increased funding for this program,” Mr Marshall said.

“As with the previous four rounds, funding allocations are made to each local government area, to ensure as many groups and communities as possible benefit.

“A portion of the funding allocation will be set aside for local council projects and the rest is available for community groups’ projects.

“This is another great opportunity for people to get together with their local council to identify projects that are going to make a real difference to their local community.”

Mr Marshall said the first four rounds of the SCCF had seen almost $26 million invested in new and upgraded public facilities across the region, with around 130 projects underway or completed across the six Northern Tablelands’ local government areas.

“It has provided a much-needed cash injection into many drought, bushfire and COVID-19 affected communities,” Mr Marshall said.

“The flow-on financial benefits of projects and programs like the $600,000 upgrade of Armidale’s Lynches Road netball courts, $68,000 amenities upgrade at Glen Innes Showground, $414,807 installation of new lights at Warialda’s Nicholson Oval, $280,000 youth centre at Inverell and $284,000 young entrepreneurs initiative at Moree are endless and far-reaching.

“I will support our councils and other eligible organisations to prepare applications for round four funding and talk about what the community wants and needs, to ensure we make the most of this fantastic funding opportunity.”

Applications open this Friday, 5 August, and close on 23 September 2022. For more information, including program guidelines and eligibility criteria, visit

 Stronger Country Communities Fund round 5 allocations:

Local Government Area Round 5 funding allocation

  • Armidale Regional $1,714,605

  • Glen Innes Severn $1,356,669

  • Gwydir Shire $1,297,129

  • Inverell Shire $1,539,837

  • Moree Plains Shire $1,443,175

  • Uralla Shire $1,302,680

  • Walcha $1,251,697

    Total $9,905,794

MEDIA: Adam Marshall 0429 440 054


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