Media Release: GLENRAC Stalwart Calls Time

THIS WEEK will see one of Glen Innes’ most familiar faces call time on a selfless career serving the community and improving environmental outcomes in the Tablelands.

Dr Mahri Koch, project manager with GLENRAC, will be stepping into a well-deserved retirement after close to 20 years working in natural resource management in the region. 

Since moving to the New England from Queensland in the 1990s, Mahri completed a Bachelor of Science and a PhD in Habitat and Population Ecology and has forged a reputation as an environmental and sustainability champion.

 GLENRAC CEO Kylie Falconer says Mahri has been integral to the success of a number of projects which have been delivered across the Glen Innes district.

 “Mahri is a passionate conservationist and her work across the includes providing refuges for location fauna, including the platypus, spotted tail quoll, Regent Honeyeater and wombat as well as endangered regional ecosystems”.

 “The five year project to protect Little Llangothlin RAMSAR Wetland was led by Mahri and the success of the project saw international recognition by the RAMSAR Steering Committee in Geneva and also at the 2022 NSW Landcare Awards”.

 “Mahri is a real gem. She’s incredibly knowledgeable, however, most importantly she’s a terrific mentor to others and always willing to share her knowledge and experience”.

 A natural educator, Mahri has been a sought after speaker ranging from topics such as dung beetles through to taking hands-on ecology into the classroom for local students to learn more about their natural environment.

 Over the years, Mahri has also generously opened her home and her Volunteer Conservation Agreement-held property “Platypus Run” to the community, by hosting Landcare and Biodiversity Conservation Trust field days on the property.

 Beyond Landcare, Mahri has also been a volunteer with several organisations, including the Community Advisory Committee for Gondwana Rainforests, the Glen Innes Severn Council Australia Day Committee, Glen Elgin Ecocarers Landcare Group and has worked to fundraise for women’s shelters.

 The management committee and staff of GLENRAC thank Mahri for her immense contribution to natural resources and wish her well in her retirement.


Media Release: Join GLENRAC for a Community Open Day AT Torrington


Special General Meeting (SGM) to be held on Friday 23rd June 2023