Media Release: ‘Rural women… we’re back!’ – 29th Rural Women’s Gathering goes off with a bang in Glen Innes

Adam Marshall MP with the Hon. Bronnie Taylor MLC at the Ben Lomond Memorial Hall. (image supplied by Rory Cunningham NSW government)

Chapel Theatre audience. (Image supplied by Chasley Barber)

Georgia Vaughan (ABC NENW) , Mary Hollingworth (Guyra CWA), Shannon Bishop (NSW Women). (Image supplied by Chasley Barber)

Bronnie Taylor MLC with Rural Women’s Network Team Jody Ekert, Kate Grey & Ellen Day (Image supplied by Chasley Barber)

More than a hundred women (and a handful of men) from across the region mustered in the New England last week to celebrate the 29th Rural Women’s Gathering.

Organised by the Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee (GLENRAC) and the Guyra CWA Evening branch, with support from the NSW Government and the Rural Women’s Network, the gathering – themed ‘Restoring Our Colourful Selves’ – featured an impressive line-up of female guest speakers, including politicians, journalists, farmers, health workers and emerging youth leaders.

This year’s event took place over two days – a Rural Women’s Evening at the Glen Innes Chapel Theatre on Thursday, October 13th 2022 followed by a Rural Women’s Day at Ben Lomond Memorial Hall on Friday, 14th October 2022.

Thursday evening at the Glen Innes Chapel Theatre kicked off with a room packed to the brim with sparkles, colour and the excited buzz of friends catching up over grazing boards and glasses of bubbles; reinforcing the meaning in the words of MC and Guyra CWA President, Anne Starr: ‘the key part of all rural communities is the female friendships.’

The harmonies of Naomi and Alkira Bain from the Abbeys opened the event, followed by a presentation from emerging community leader and Year 6 School Captain at St Joseph’s Primary School Glen Innes, Allegra Pinfrey. Allegra regaled the crowd with stories from her busy school, farm and extracurricular life, which included representing Glen Innes at pony club, netball and in the baking section at the local and Sydney Royal Easter Shows.

Armidale Citizen of the Year and Founder of the Rural Kidney Association, Nicky Scholes-Robertson shared real-life experiences of living remotely with chronic disease and its impacts on family and community, as well as the importance of having regular health check-ups and screenings.

The 2022 NSW Premier’s Woman of the Year, 2022 NSW Minerals Council Regional Woman of the Year, pharmacist, lecturer and author, Anna Barwick discussed PharmOnline: the innovative telehealth service she founded which connects Australian patients living in remote areas with pharmacy services.

The second day of the gathering opened on a quintessential cold and wet New England day at the Ben Lomond Memorial Hall.

NSW Minister for Women, Regional Health and Mental Health, the Honorable Bronnie Taylor MLC headlined the event, highlighting rural women as the backbone of effecting change in rural communities: ‘Rural women are amazing. We are industrious, we don’t take no for an answer, we are practical, we don’t ask for the world, we bring people into the middle; it really is our superpower,’ said Minister Taylor.

‘That’s why days like today are so important, not only to top up our own souls, but to be able to come together and to connect, to form groups to discuss what we need to advocate for.’

Associated Country Women of the World Southeast Asia President, Gail Commens shared stories of her role over the past seven years working with women in the South Pacific Islands to establish clean water, sanitation, and education opportunities.

2022 Guyra Evening CWA Scholarship winner and senior student at Guyra Central School, Ellie Mitchell discussed her passion for agriculture, praised the kindness and generosity of the local community and thanked her own leading mentor: her mum.

The afternoon discussions focused on the importance of maintaining women’s health in rural communities. Exercise physiologist and Pilates instructor, Ellen Adams demonstrated some simple everyday exercises to keep bodies active and healthy, Belinda Hook from BreastScreen NSW reinforced the critical need for breast screening and early detection to save lives and Hayley Dawson provided some tips and tricks for 'harnessing your hormones'.

‘The 2022 Rural Women's events at Glen Innes' Chapel Theatre and Ben Lomond Memorial Hall were a sea of colour, awash with celebration,’ said GLENRAC Chief Executive Officer Kylie Falconer.

‘An amazing team of volunteers, staff, speakers, and special guests combined to create the memorable events, informing and celebrating rural women and launching the return of the NSW Rural Women's Network. We were also delighted to welcome the Hon. Bronwyn Taylor MLC and Adam Marshall MP.

‘The events could not have happened without support from the Women NSW (Dept. of Premier and Cabinet), Glen Innes Arts Council, Guyra CWA, Ben Lomond P&C, Ben Lomond Memorial Hall Committee, the team at GLENRAC and all of our motivational and informative presenters, including our two wonderful MCs: Guyra CWA President, Anne Starr and Chief of Staff at ABC New England North West, Caitlin Furlong. A special mention also to Alkira Bain and Tremane Patterson for Welcoming the gathering to Country.’

‘Events like these showcase the importance of providing opportunities for rural women to come together to network, learn and enjoy.’


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