NSW Sheep & Goat eID Transition is underway

NSW is currently transitioning to mandatory individual electronic identification for sheep and goats.

Individual electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats is an enhancement to the existing mob-based system as part of the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).

Key dates for livestock owners

1 January 2025:

  • Mandatory tagging with eID for all sheep and farmed goats born from this date, before leaving the property of birth.

  • All eIDs on sheep and farmed goats moved between properties must be recorded and the movement uploaded to the NLIS database.

1 January 2027:

  • Mandatory eIDs are required for all sheep and farmed goats prior to leaving any property

  • Animals that stay on the same property for their lifetime do not need to be tagged with an eID

Read more on the Livestock Owners Webpage

For more information about the program go to HERE .

if you have questions not covered on this website, please email the DPI Sheep and Goat Traceability Team at sheepgoateid@dpi.nsw.gov.au


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