2013 Projects

Many of our projects carry over from the previous year. So if no new projects have been started this year, please click previous years.

New England North West Landcare Adventure 2014

23rd Sep 2013



This project will deliver increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practises from across our region, as well as increased capacity of land managers to understand and adapt to change through increased knowledge and skills. This will be delivered through a two day event to be held in the Glen Innes district attended by land managers and interested community members from across the New England North West region. The program utilizes the skills and experience of members of the Landcare networks who have shown leadership and innovation in agriculture, by featuring their achievements in activities throughout the program. This event will be held in March 2014.

Measure to manage - creating practical soil solutions for Glen Innes farmers 

22nd Sep 2013


Landcare Australia Ltd (Jaramas Foundation)

This project will fund a range of activities for farmers to increased awareness, knowledge and skills to understand and manage their soils and to understand the links between soils, plants, people and profits. This allows a continuation of a project from last year in which local farmers are currently completing a workshop series titled “Measure to Manage” workshops at a subsidized rate through a separate funding program. This project will provide the opportunity for participants to complete soil and plant testing during the coming Spring 2013 and Autumn 2014 to provide quantitative data to make management decisions on soil and plant nutrition. This funding will also help towards the LANDCARE ADVENTURE in March 2014.

NR-CMA AOG - BMP of Carbon Management on Northern Rivers Farms – GLENRAC

21st Sep 2013



This 4 year project is in its 2nd year and will continue regardless of the LLS changes. Glenrac has three properties involved in this study. The project will monitor the effects of different farming practices including the use of “alternate” fertilizers and biological and conservation farming practices on soil health. The effects of implementing of rotational grazing systems to improve ground cover will also be monitored.

Community Empowerment to develop the Ben Lomond community and landcare capacity

20th Sep 2013



This project will host two community empowerment workshops at Ben Lomond, to help develop leadership and capacity in the community. The project will engage the small farming community to hold ongoing networking meetings and collate a resource library to build awareness and share their learnings.

Glen Elgin Eco-Carers Group Management of Invasive Species in Granite Country

19th Sep 2013



This project will assist landholders at the western end of the Glen Elgin valley to control Weeds of National Significance (WONS) including blackberry, Serrated Tussock and Chilean Needle Grass that are being introduced to high conservation value roadside bush - and the private properties adjacent to these high conservation value sites.

Healthy Soil and Soil Solutions - For Granite and High Country Farmers 

18th Sep 2013



Glenrac is pleased to announce two upcoming workshops to be held in October and November 2013. These Border River Gwydir CMA funded courses include the RCS Healthy Soils Workshop and their follow up Dirt-to-Dollars Implementation Day. Previous Healthy Soils workshops in this area have been well attended with a lot of positive feedback from participants.

This time round we are able to fund the follow up day which includes an on-farm day spent looking at soil, grass, animals, and infrastructure. The aim throughout this day is to create discussion around how to implement the principles learned at “Healthy Soils” and make the system work in the best possible way. We often fall into the trap of feeling that we need to spend money before we can make a change. This workshop will help participants to look initially at how to use what is available and at the farmer’s disposal right now to maximise results, rather than work on what they do not have.

Implementing property management plans to improve riparian habitats in Priority River and Stream reaches of the Tablelands

16th Sep 2013



This project will provide funding help to implement sustainable land and river management practices identified through property management planning activities. Funding will be provided for activities that will improve ecosystem services and/ or improve productivity through the adoption of best management practises. Activities that will be funded include fencing riparian zones, wetlands or native vegetation; weed or pest animal projects; demonstrations sites to improve soil condition and reduce wind and water erosion.

Control of honey locust to increase biodiversity and enhance conservation values of Riparian zone Glen Innes Nth NSW. 

15th Sep 2013



This project is in its 2nd year and seeks to control core infestations of honey locust on the Mann and Severn Rivers located near Glen Innes in northern NSW. The project will combine works on bath public and private land in a cooperative effort to control this weed over approx. 170km of river frontage. Honey locust has been identified as an emerging weed threat along both rivers and adjoining areas of the National Reserve System. Control activities will significantly improve the overall habitat of the threatened species that inhabit the local area and allow for regeneration of native flora species displaced by honey locust. The Glen Innes area is the headwaters for both the eastern and western flowing waters, control here will restrict its further spread downstream.


Do you have a project that you would like to do on your property or in your local area?

Or maybe a workshop or guest speaker that you would really want to hear?

 GLENRAC are keen to hear your ideas and/or try to connect you with resources that might be helpful in achieving your goals.