2015 Projects

Many of our projects carry over from the previous year. So if no new projects have been started this year, please click previous years.

ALG198 Glen East- Restoring habitat and creating and biodiversity corridors 

14th Apr 2015


This project will address the lack of connectivity between scattered areas of remnant vegetation on privately managed land in the extensively cleared landscape of the Glen Innes district in northern NSW. Through the project new areas of mixed native seedlings will be established to increase the area of native habitat available for wildlife. We will encourage planting species known to be present in the 2 Threatened Ecological communities present locally - New England Peppermint grassy woodlands and Upland Wetlands. Private land managers will be engaged to participate in the project through project publicity, a field day event and by participating in planting seedlings on their own properties.    

ALG220 Rummerys Hill New England NSW- Building a toolkit for resilient landscapes

14th Apr 2015


This project will conduct 2 workshops that will engage 16 landholders in plant identification and increase awareness of growth phases, regeneration processes and the value of native grasses. The Prograze workshop will be delivered over an 8-month period, delivering 36-hours of tuition to 24 participants. On completion, participants will be equipped to adopt management changes on-farm and increase sustainable management of the NRM base.

ALG515 Glen Innes NSW- Creating and restoring habitat linkages 

14th Apr 2015


This project will establish 5,000 native seedlings across the Glen Innes district to increase native habitat on properties across the landscape and to increase and strengthen vegetation corridors between private land and public protected areas. Community engagement and capacity building will be achieved through extension activities to increase awareness and knowledge of the importance of native habitat, the presence and relevance of local endangered ecological communities.

ALG560 Wellington Vale Nth NSW- Protecting biodiversity and enhancing remnant vegetation

14th Apr 2015


This project will reduce threats to biodiversity in the local area, especially areas of significant roadside vegetation, by undertaking control of weeds on roadsides and some areas of private land. This project will reduce threats to threatened and endangered species and ecological communities in the project area. Work will be undertaken to control weeds such as Tree of Heaven, Broad Leaf Privet, Pyrocanthus and feral fruit trees to prevent their further spread.

ALG567 Glen Innes NSW- Smarter grazing for healthy environment, livestock, and profit 

14th Apr 2015


This project will deliver structured, high impact, value for time and money training for at least 30 local farmers. This will be in the form of a one day Introduction to Grazing Management workshop, and a two day Low Stress Livestock Handling course. This project will build on work already completed through and by GLENRAC, raising its profile as a facilitator of sustainable agricultural training in response to community needs.

FRRR- Tackling Tough Times Together 24923 - Friends with health benefits

14th Apr 2015


The Friends with Health Benefits project is aimed at Deepwater, the small farming community in the Glen Innes district, with the goal of improving a group of local farmers’ physical and mental health. This will encompass education, including both theory and practical training on exercise techniques. The project will take place over four months, and will focus on improving measurable aspects of participants’ physical health, including the following: Weight loss support, Strength training, Improving cardiovascular fitness, Management and prevention of metabolic conditions- diabetes, cholesterol, and hypertension, Management of mental health conditions, Stress management, Flexibility or joint stability, How to reduce injury risk, Improving sleep and reducing fatigue and Pain/injury management.

Improving Riparian Habitat and Stability in Priority Areas Project

01st Apr 2015

$156,250 (GST exc)

Project Description:

This project will provide funding to implement activities to improve riparian habitat and stability in priority river and stream reaches in the Glen Innes Severn district.

A project steering committee will be essential for the review of project objectives, targets, project proposals at the commencement of the project as well as a final project review upon project completion.

Activities that will be considered for funding, but not limited to, will include a). fencing riparian zones and provision of alternate water points as required,

b). establishment of new native vegetation through planting seedlings,

c). fencing to protect new areas or existing areas of native vegetation and

d). weed control in riparian areas

e). gully/bank stabilisation and headwater erosion control

f) enabling changes in grazing management in areas which impact on in-stream habitat and water quality

g) development of sub-catchment or group action plans

Consideration will be given to project proposals outside this scope that deliver significant environmental benefits. 

The project will also deliver two events to engage the community.

Know your natives – Education for rural land managers

01st Mar 2015



The aim of the project is to educate local land managers about the importance of biodiversity on farms for sustainable land management. The project will deliver workshops to train land managers to identify common native trees and shrubs in the local area, improve understanding of the importance of the three Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC’s) present in the Glen Innes area, and discuss considerations to the planning of revegetation projects tree on privately owned land with Threatened Ecological Communities as a priority.  

Glen Innes NSW – Creating habitat connections and enhancing biodiversity

01st Jan 2015



This Project will address the lack of connectivity between isolated patches of remnant vegetation on privately managed land in the extensively cleared landscape of the Glen Innes district in northern NSW. Through the project, new areas of mixed native seedlings will be established to increase the area of native habitat available for wildlife. We will encourage planting species known to be present in the 2 Threatened Ecological Communities present locally - New England Peppermint grassy woodlands and Upland Wetlands of the New England Tablelands. Private land managers and community groups will be engaged to participate in the Project through Project publicity and by participating in planting activities on land they manage.

Northern New England – Linking remnant vegetation to build habitat connectivity

01st Jan 2015


20MT - 69

This Project will address the lack of connectivity between scattered areas of remnant vegetation on privately managed land in the extensively cleared landscape of the Glen Innes district in northern NSW. A total of 19,500 native tree and shrub seedlings will be established to increase the area of native habitat available for native flora and fauna. We will encourage planting species known to be present in the two Threatened Ecological Communities present locally - New England Peppermint grassy woodlands and White Box-Yellow Box- Blakley's Red Gum grassy woodlands. Private land managers and community groups will be engaged to participate in the Project through Project publicity and by planting seedlings on land they manage.

Glen Innes NSW – Increasing knowledge in ecosystem services

01st Jan 2015



The sponsored group, NSW Farmers, Glen Innes Branch, will undertake this project with the sponsorship of GLENRAC Incorporated. This project will increase engagement and participation of the community by engaging 35 landholders in 2 workshops. It will increase the number of farmers adopting practices that improve the quality of the NRM base by hosting both indoors theory sessions (2.5 days) and also paddock sessions (1 day) to conduct hands-on sessions. Over a 12 month period, the project will trigger change in management practices across a minimum of 15 landholdings. project benefits will be shared by promoting workshop outcomes to the Glen Innes community through 2 media opportunities.

Glen Elgin NSW – Rehabilitating the headwaters of the Clarence River

01st Jan 2015



The sponsored group, Glen Elgin Federation Sports Club, will undertake this project with the sponsorship of GLENRAC Incorporated. This project will work with landholders in the headwaters of the Clarence catchment, in the Glen Elgin locality (NSW) to rehabilitate gully and streambank erosion sites in the headwaters and deliver increased knowledge and skills to improve sustainable management of the riparian resource base.


Do you have a project that you would like to do on your property or in your local area?

Or maybe a workshop or guest speaker that you would really want to hear?

 GLENRAC are keen to hear your ideas and/or try to connect you with resources that might be helpful in achieving your goals.