2016 Projects

Many of our projects carry over from the previous year. So if no new projects have been started this year, please click previous years.

Meat & Livestock Australia - Tackling Technology

16th Nov 2016


GLENRAC will run two 3 hour workshops to introduce producers to new and emerging technologies avaliable online to support decision making on farm. These workshops will also introduce the concept of agvocacy as a means of communication with the wider community about the importance of agriculture and the role farmers play in managing natural resources to produce food for the world.

This project is supported by Meat and Livestock Australia.

Volunteer Grants 2015

30th Jun 2016

GLENRAC has receievd $2,480 to assist in the purchase of technology equipment to assist volunteers to host and run events.

FRRR TTTT - Glen Innes Farmers Fit & Fabulous

30th Apr 2016

Value $5,720

Enhancing community connectedness and increasing awareness of mental health through the facilitation of two events Fit Farmers & Rural Womens Day.

Local Landcare Coordinator (LLC) - New England LLC1-031

15th Jan 2016

The LLC Initaive (LLCI) is a jointly delivered progarm from Local Land Services and Landcare NSW. It is funded by the NSW State Government over 4 year commitment to support Landcare in NSW.

The project provides GLENRAC with funds to employ a 0.5 FTE part time Local Landcare Coordinator to work with their host organisation in Glen Innes as part of a statewide network.

Ends 30 June 2019.

NT 00243 Saving our Threatened Species

1st Jan 2016


This project seeks to enable land managers to manage feral cat populations and their impacts upon threatened species. The aim of this project is to improve community knowledge and raise awareness within our community members to responsibly manage feral and domestic cats. The project will seek to address this aim by delivering one awareness raising event where we will be addressing impacts of feral and domestic cat populations and their management.

This project is supported by Local Land Services through funding from the NSW Government. 

NT 00195 Glen Elgin Eco Carers Landcare Group Management of Soil Seed Bank at Glen Elgin Endangered Ecological Community

1st Jan 2016


This project will be delivered my members of the Glen Elgin Eco Carers Group where their main aim is to manage weeds of national significants on roadsides and in adjacent privately held properties where Endangered Ecological Community occurs by assisting a contractor with two spraying events which will occur over the project timeline.

The project seeks to address the control over the remaining spot infestations of Blackberry Chilean Needle grass, Serrated Tussock and Whiskey grass; reduce the soil seed bank in the land scape; broaden the members intellectual and philosophical scope and to extend the community knowledge of the impacts of invasive grasses. 

This project is supported by Local Land Services through funding from the NSW Government.

NT 00200 Seed Spotting In the Glen Innes District

1st Jan 2016


The aim of this project is to provide land managers with training to improve planning, implementation and on ground outcomes of revegetation project on private land. Training will be delivered to 20 participants which will include two training events to be delivered by staff of the Armidale Tree Group. One day to be held about seed collecting and the second day to which will be held at a later date will focus on design and implementations of shelter belts.

"This project is part of the $25 million of National Landcare Programme investment that Local Land Services is delivering to boost farm gate productivity and improve environmental health across NSW."

NT 00201 Biodiversity Training and Mentoring on Rummerys Hill

1st Jan 2016


This projects aim is to raise awareness of biodiversity through a field day that trains local land managers to identify wildlife and best practice land management to support wildlife. Throughout this project we will cover training about vertebrate fauna ecology and relationship to land management as well as wildlife identification and awareness of rare, threatened or endangered wildlife. Participants will also cover the topics in planning and land management decision and the role of native vegetation and habitat for wildlife and ecosystem services.

"This project is part of the $25 million of National Landcare Programme investment that Local Land Services is delivering to boost farm gate productivity and improve environmental health across NSW."

 NT 00203 Building landholder capacity in threatened species conservation and control of feral cats at Bald Nob – Skeleton Creek

1st Jan 2016


To save local populations of threatened species, it is necessary to effectively address threatening processes at a landscape scale. This project seeks to enable land managers to manage feral cat populations and their impacts upon threatened species by building land manager capacity in threatened species conservation and management of feral cats.

The project will seek to address these aims by purchasing 12 cat traps and delivering two training events in trapping and euthanasia protocols. Bald Nob – Skeleton Creek Wild Dog Association will be supporting the implementation of trapping over 1000ha of threatened species habitat.   

This project is part of the $26.5 million of Catchment Action NSW investment that Local Land Services is delivering to enable better management of our water, soil, vegetation, biodiversity and cultural heritage.

NT 00197 Introducing new technologies for land managers

1st Jan 2016


To save local populations of threatened species, it is necessary to effectively address threatening processes at a landscape scale. The aim of this project is to introduce new technologies (FERALSCAN and trail camera) to land managers for feral and native species monitoring. The project will seek to address is aim through purchasing 6 trail cameras and delivering 2 training events for land managers on use of tail cameras and 2 training events to be conducted on the use of FERALSCAN application.

This project is part of the $26.5 million of Catchment Action NSW investment that Local Land Services is delivering to enable better management of our water, soil, vegetation, biodiversity and cultural heritage.


Do you have a project that you would like to do on your property or in your local area?

Or maybe a workshop or guest speaker that you would really want to hear?

 GLENRAC are keen to hear your ideas and/or try to connect you with resources that might be helpful in achieving your goals.