2017 Projects

Many of our projects carry over from the previous year. So if no new projects have been started this year, please click previous years.

NENWNLP-1718-5 LandGirls - Get Socially Savvy

14th Dec 2017


This project will enable Landgirls to deliver 2 training events for Landcare and interested community members to improve their skills and knowledge with respect to the use of social media. This will enable them to add to the resilience of both their business and their community by promoting, sharing, learning and accessing information that could well impact their business via these social media tools.

NENWNLP-1718-4 Looking at legumes - Glen Innes

14th Dec 2017


Livestock grazing is the major agricultural industry across the Northern Tablelands of NSW.  Healthy soils and pastures are the cornerstone of this industry and its on going sustainability.  Pasture legumes play an important part in animal production and soil health, but little is known about their effectiveness in fixing nitrogen on the Northern Tablelands nor the range of legume species that will persist in temperate summer dominant rainfall areas.

Grassland Society of NSW Northern Branch will partner with NSW Department of Primary Industries and GLENRAC to deliver an event focussed on pasture legumes, their role in livestock production systems and benefits to soil fertility.  This event will provide landholders with information from the latest research relevant to the Northern Tablelands.  The event should attract at least 40 participants.

The collective networks of the Grassland Society, GLENRAC and NSW DPI will extend the message and information to a significant number of landholders across the Northern Tablelands. The project will also support the production of 2 publications that will be available to landholders after the completion of the project.

NENWNLP-1718-1 Great Governance for Connected Communities

14th Dec 2017


This project will deliver training to Landcare and other community groups to build the skills and the capacity of approx 80 members members of community organisations across the Glen Innes district and Inverell district to be able to better achieve their own goals and objectives.  This will be achieved through providing training and resources for improved governance, allowing volunteer members to be able to focus their energies on delivering effective on ground outcomes.  This will be done through face to face workshops, not only delivering training but contributing to building connections between community groups across the districts.  It will also assist GLENRAC is assessing and improving Board Effectiveness and undertaking a skills audit.  Training will be delivered through 4 training activities – 1 targeting GLENRAC Board members and Landcare Groups, 1 targetting GWYMAC committee and Landcare groups and 2 targeting community groups more broadly.

NENWNLP-1718-7 Walk on the Wild Side

14th Dec 2017


This project will consist of an information evening, a bus trip and a day on ground for participants to learn species identification skills (flora and fauna), and understand the importance of monitoring the species changes .  These skills will be provided to the participants by regional herpetologist/ecologist, Alex Dudley and Dr John Hunter – Adjunct Associate Professor - School of Environmental and Rural Science who has produced a Guide to the Eucalypts of that Northern Tablelands region.

Participants will then be in a more effective position to manage their natural environment going forward. With predicted changed climatic conditions it is anticipated that the woodlands will become a valuable linkage area (from east of Glen Innes to Ashford in the west) for flora and faunal species seeking refuge. 

Powering Productive Pastures for Glen Innes 

02nd Aug 2017


This project aims to connect local farmers with new technologies to support management decisions. The project will fund one demonstration site of 40 hectares to implement precision agriculture technologies for pastures and showcase technology that is now available to support investment decisions in regards to farm inputs and development.

Funding Source – Landcare Australia Limited – Workplace Giving.

NT00515 - Trees on small farms Partnership Project 2017/2018 

15th Jun 2017

Project value $60,000

GLENRAC will deliver this project to deliver a minimum of 10,000 native seedlings planted on farm; a minimum of 12 farms engaged; 2 community engagement events and 4 media opportunities.

This project is supported by Local Land Services through funding from the NSW Government.

NENWNLP-1617-24 Communication & Negotiation Skills for Landcare Leaders

13th Feb 2017


This project will host one one-day workshop in Glen Innes with Allan Parker of Peak Performance Development. Allan will deliver a Communication and Negotiation workshop to improve the skills and confidence of current and future Landcare and community leaders for our community.

This project is supported by the National Landcare Programme.

NENWNLP-1617-26 Learning Together to Conserve the Flora & Fauna of our Endangered Ecological Community at Glen Elgin

13th Feb 2017


This project will provide a day on ground for GEEC members and surrounding landholders to learn species identification skills (flora and fauna), and understand the interconnectedness of the species that make up the EEC we are conserving. These skills will be provided to our members and neighbours by a highly respected local botanist/ecologist (Dr David Carr), and regional herpetologist/ecologist, Alex Dudley.

This project is supported by The National Landcare Programme.

NENWNLP-1617-28 Good Governance Supports Great Outcomes

13th Feb 2017


This project will deliver training to landholders and other community members to build their skills and the capacity of community organisations across the Glen Innes district to be able to better achieve their goals and objectives. This will be achieved through providing training and resources for improved governance, better board member competence and effective meetings, allowing volunteer members to be able to focus their energies on delivering effective on ground outcomes. Training will be delivered through 4 training activities – 2 targeting GLENRAC Board members and Landcare Groups and 2 targeting community groups more broadly.

This project is supported by The National Landcare Programme.

NENWNLP-1617-29 Paddock Plant Walks for Glen Innes Land Managers

13th Feb 2017


This project will enable GLENRAC to host 4 paddock plant walks across the Glen Innes Severn district in the summer months of 2016/2017. These paddock plant walks will assist land managers to identify common paddock plants including introduced and native grasses and legumes and noxious and environmental weeds.  The project will run in 4 locations in conjunction with local Landcare groups including Ben Lomond, Glen East Landcare, Rummerys Hill Landcare and the Emmaville Common Trust group.  

This project is supported by The National Landcare Programme.

NENWNLP-1617-30 Focus on Feral Animal Forum - Northern Tablelands

13th Feb 2017


This project will deliver a Pest Animal Forum bringing together land managers, both public and private land, technical experts and pest animal control practitioners from across northern NSW to share information, experience, techniques and new technologies. This forum will result in improved pest animal control practices, better understanding across different land tenures and an increased collaborative approach. Expected participation in the forum is 50 people.

This project is supported by the National Landcare Programme.


Do you have a project that you would like to do on your property or in your local area?

Or maybe a workshop or guest speaker that you would really want to hear?

 GLENRAC are keen to hear your ideas and/or try to connect you with resources that might be helpful in achieving your goals.