2018 Projects

Many of our projects carry over from the previous year. So if no new projects have been started this year, please click previous years.

GLENRAC Keeping Community Informed & Involved

01st Dec 2018

Source: Whiterock Wind Farm Community Fund

Value: $4,500

This project will assist GLENRAC to deliver information, raise awareness and engage landholders in improving natural resource management, agricultural sustainability and social connectedness through the printing and distribution of the quarterly GLENRAC newsletter.

The newsletter is compiled by GLENRAC staff with information about current projects, upcoming activities, resources available to community groups and landholders, funding opportunities and items of interest to the Glen Innes Severn rural community e.g. information about potential weed threats.

To ensure that the target audience for the newsletter, being rural landholders, have easy access to the newsletter it is printed and posted to every rural mailbox in the local government area. It is also available via the GLENRAC website but there are some in the community with limited internet capability or connectivity.

2018-2021 NSW Environmental Trust Restoring Biodiversity

05th Oct 2018


This project will increase the extent of native habitat through planting more than 19,000 native species trees and shrubs on 12 privately managed farming properties across the Glen Innes district.

The 35 project sites will plant species known to be present in 2 Threatened Ecological Communities - New England Peppermint grassy woodlands and White box-Yellow box-Blakley's red gum grassy woodlands.

These new plantings will assist in providing habitat for flora and fauna species in a fragmented landscape, featuring extensive areas of cleared land adjoining areas of National Reserve.

Funding Source: NSW Environmental Trust Restoration and Rehabilitation program

Get Online Week Grant - 2018

01st Oct 2018


GLENRAC has receieved a grant of $1500 to host one event during Get Online Week 15-21 October, to promoted Be Connected Network and inspire older people to try one new thing online, develop their digital skills and confidence.

Funding Source: The Good Things Foundation 

Be Connected: Activation Grant

01st Oct 2018


A one-time $2,000 grant to support older people develop their digital skills and confidence over a maximum of 10-months. The funding will be spent on activities that can be justified as supportuing older Australians to gain basic digital skills and confidence.

Funding Source: The Good Things Foundation

2018-2020 Ferals in Focus - Glen Innes

04th Sep 2018


Pest animals have been identified as a major issue for landholders across the Northern Tablelands region and as a threat to numerous threatened species and ecological communities. Pests such as rabbits, feral pigs, foxes and wild dogs all have significant impacts on both the natural environment and agricultural production.

There are numerous environmental assets across the Northern Tablelands, including the World Heritage listed Washpool and Gibraltar Range National Parks, Torrington State Recreation area, Bolivia Nature Reserve and many others. These assets along with a number of endangered ecological communities and numerous vulnerable and endangered species (see attached EPBC list) are significantly affected by pest animals.

This project will deliver a Pest Animal Forum bringing together land managers, both public and private land, technical experts and pest animal control practitioners from across northern NSW to share information, experience, techniques and new technologies.

Funding Source: National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants (Round 1)

Engaging and connecting communities Glen Innes

01st Sep 2018


This project will deliver 2 workshops to build skills and capacity in the Glen Innes community to develop greater connectedness and enhance leadership skills with 40 people from our rural community through ability to engage with social media and internet.

Funding Source: FRRR Small Grants for Rural Communities

2018-19 WRWF Newsletters

01st Jul 2018


This funding will be used to support four GLENRAC newsletters each year, which are distributed to roadside and postbox addresses around the Glen Innes region.

Funding source: White Rock Wind Farm

2018-2020 Community Resilience Grant - The Bold & The Beautiful

27th Apr 2018


This project will support 16 events that will be attended by 340 people, primarily women in our conservative rural communities, build their skills and confidence and develop leadership to create strong cohesive communities.

The project will engage experienced and professional workshop facilitators to deliver a series of events that will build the capacity of rural and regional women. 
These events will deliver increased awareness, knowledge and skills to develop the personal and professional lives of women across the Inverell and Glen Innes districts.

The project will also build on the small existing networks of women in these areas and increase connectedness and a sense of belonging within the community.

The project activities will be delivered in collaboration with Gywmac Landcare.


Do you have a project that you would like to do on your property or in your local area?

Or maybe a workshop or guest speaker that you would really want to hear?

 GLENRAC are keen to hear your ideas and/or try to connect you with resources that might be helpful in achieving your goals.