2019 Projects

Many of our projects carry over from the previous year. So if no new projects have been started this year, please click previous years.

2020 PHN Empowering Our Communities #2

01st Dec 2019


The funding will be used to support a number of activities to build resilience, capacity and community connection in small communities in the Glen Innes district. These activities include small group "Time Out from the Dry" events, where people gather to share and support each other. Hosts volunteer to organise and coordinate these events (6 per month over 6 months). "Smoko with Friends" events in villages in the Glen Innes district. These provide a venue and purpose for people in small rural communities to get together in an informal comfortable space and encourage peer support, sharing and fostering increased connectedness.

GLENRAC will also organise for guest speakers to share topical information including animal health, livestock nutrition, financial assistance available and mental health. A workshop aimed at increasing farmer "fitness" both from a financial and a mental health perspective will engage approximately 30 people.

Funding source: PHN

2019-21 NSW Environmental Trust Protecting and Enhancing Catchment Headwaters - Glen Innes

01st Nov 2019


This project will deliver a range of activities that seek to enhance and improve water quality, riparian stability, and increase biodiversity across a number of sites in the Glen Innes district. The project will address issues of stream bank and gully erosion and biodiversity loss through on ground works including streambank stabilisation, removal of willow trees, fencing and revegetation with native trees and shrubs. The project results will be used to engage other landholders in undertaking similar works to improve water quality in the headwaters of the Clarence and Severn Rivers.

Funding source: NSW Environmental Trust

2019-2023 NSW Landcare Program - Landcare Coordinator

01st Jul 2019

The NSW Landcare Program is a state, regional and local investment in the partnership between Local Land Services and Landcare NSW, empowering people to take action on local problems and deliver outcomes across local and regional issues.

The NSW Landcare Program 2019 – 2023 builds on the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative (2015 – 2019), a number of previous Landcare Support Programs and regional Landcare investment made through National Landcare Program and Catchment Action over the last four years and beyond.

GLENRAC's project will fund a 0.5 full time equivalent Local Coordinator. 

The Program's purpose is to play a role in empowering local Landcare volunteers by contributing to the systems, partnerships and structures that underpin their capcity to achieve outcomes. 

Empowering Our Communities - Glen Innes

08th Jun 2019

Source: 2019-20 PHN Empowering Our Communities


The funding will be used to deliver a number of small group "Time Out from the Dry" events, where groups of 10-12 people gather to share and support each other during these challenging times. Hosts will volunteer to organise and coordinate these events and they will plan and organise venue, catering and participants.GLENRAC will provide support to the host and materials to assist them to facilitate an event where participants feel comfortable in sharing their challenges and supporting each other.

We will also deliver a mental health focus at our Rural Womens Day event in October 2019. GLENRAC have been running a Rural Womens Day event for the last 6 years bringing together women from across our district and providing them with a forum to learn, share and connect with each other. We anticipate approx. 50 participants at this event. The funding will cover the costs of guest speaker fees and travel, venue hire, catering and advertising and promotion.

Drought Recovery GLENRAC Style - Glen Innes

14th May 2019



This project will deliver a series of 12 events across 15 months for the Glen Innes Severn community. These events will be focussed around building skills, knowledge and confidence for drought management and recovery. The events will be short (maximum 3 hours) evening activities to encourage participation, especially those with off farm employment. They will include a light meal to provide time for networking to increase sharing and connectedness in our community and provide some peer support in dealing with drought recovery and management. 

The funds will contribute to advertising in local media (Glen Innes Examiner), venue hire (Glen Innes Services Club), catering, speaker / presenter fees and costs such as travel / accommodation and staff time to coordinate the events. GLENRAC has significant experience in running similar events over a number of years so have a good knowledge of the costs and in kind contributions. 

Drought recovery is a long process with many different phases and requirements. GLENRAC will utilise the collective knowledge and experience of our Board, consisting of 15 landholder and government agency representatives, to inform the focus of these monthly events. We are aware of the need for maintaining connection and support networks in dealing with challenging times, and will provide the time and space for networking and sharing at these monthly events with a light meal and encouraging social interaction.

Good Governance Supports Great Outcomes 

14th May 2019

Source: FRRR


This project will build skills and capacity for community group members to be able to run and manage their organisations more efficiently and effectively allowing them more time to invest in achieving their goals and objectives. In partnership with Glen Innes Severn Council we will deliver workshops for community groups.

Smart Farms - Soils in the spotlight

01st May 2019

Source: National Landcare Program Round 2


This project will increase the knowledge and capacity of landholders in the Glen Innes district to adopt and implement improved soil management practices. This will be achieved through the collation and analysis of soil data from previous soil testing projects and using this to identify trends and highlight issues, and will be used to produce a publication which will be distributed widely.

A survey of participants in previous soil testing projects will measure the adoption of new practices and technologies and identify the barriers to adoption. Four groups of landholders will be engaged in follow up monitoring undertaking soil testing and then accessing technical expertise to use this data to inform decisions through a series of 5 activities per group.

Peer to peer knowledge exchange and mentoring will assist these 32 group members with adoption of improved soil management practices. A field day event will be held providing knowledge and awareness to at least 60 landholders.

Managing Established Pest Animal and Weeds 

01st Apr 2019

Source: Landcare NSW / NSW Dept. Primary Industries


GLENRAC has secured funding to run 4 training events to cover the ecology, control and management of the following pest species - Indian Myna Birds, Feral Cats, Serrated Tussosk and Fireweed.

Glen Innes Severn Drought Support Project

08th Mar 2019

Source: Glen Innes Severn Council / Drought Communities Programme


The Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee are pleased to announce they have received $100,000 of drought support funding through the Australian Government Drought Communities Programme (DCP). The funding, which will be distributed to GLENRAC via the Glen Innes Severn Council, will be extremely beneficial in increasing the output and resources available at GLENRAC during this period of significant drought, and will allow for the employment of a full time Drought Support Officer to be based at the Glen Innes office.

With the assistance of the Drought Support Officer, GLENRAC will organise a number of events across the community in 2019 that address areas of concern during times of drought, while also generating income for small businesses and community groups through catering, venue hire and the purchasing of materials.


Do you have a project that you would like to do on your property or in your local area?

Or maybe a workshop or guest speaker that you would really want to hear?

 GLENRAC are keen to hear your ideas and/or try to connect you with resources that might be helpful in achieving your goals.