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Emergency Redi Workshop with Red Cross - Emergency Preparedness Workshop #1

  • Uniting Church Hall 70 Macquarie Street Glen Innes NSW 2371 Australia (map)

Join GLENRAC for a series of five Emergency Preparedness workshops, providing attendees with knowledge and practical skills for times of emergency.

Learn with the Australian Red Cross how to:

  • Prepare for emergencies

  • Assess your own disaster risks

  • Complete your own Emergency RediPlan

Lunch is supplied.

RSVPs essential by Monday 8 April to 6732 3443 or email

Landcare NSW’s People Led Prevention project empowers communities across regional NSW in developing disaster resilience and preparedness skills. The Disaster Risk Reduction Fund is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

9 April

2-day Fire Focus Forum (Inverell)

18 April

Bush Kids First Aid & Emergency Care for Pets & Horses