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Grazing: Managing Soils, Plants & Animals

  • Three locations - see listing NSW 2371 Australia (map)

This one-day workshop with Dr Judi Earl will cover:

  • Different approaches to grazing management

  • How grasses respond to grazing

  • Pasture assessment

  • Feed budgeting as a decision support tool

  • Summer active pasture plant identification

Three locations - all 9:00 am - 3:00 pm :

  • NEW LOCATION! 4/3/24 Glen Innes - ‘Cherry Tree Hill, 14 Winters Road (a.k.a. Ausgoat Depot)

  • 5/3/24 Ben Lomond - ‘Cromarty’ 1078 Moredun Road, Ben Lomond

  • 6/3/24 Walcha - ‘Petali’ 1805 Thunderbolt’s Way, Walcha

Please RSVP by 26 February 2024 to:

26 February

Chainsaw Training: Trim & Cut Felled Trees

5 March

ABARES Outlook 2024