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Soils Alive

  • Yarraford Hall, Glen Innes Showgrounds Torrington Street Glen Innes Australia (map)
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Understanding soil biology

Join a series of 4 workshops, get FREE soil biology tests, and learn what the results mean!

  1. Soil Biology - the Essentials

    • Exploring life in your soil.

    • Different soil biology tests

    • How to take a sample for DNA

    • Monitoring at home

  2. Under the Microscope

    • In depth look at soil organisms

    • Bring in soil samples

    • Looking under the microscope

  3. What do the numbers mean?

    • Look at the DNA results

    • What do the numbers mean

    • How to improve soil biology

  4. What's the difference?

    • Follow up sampling

    • Compare the DNA results

    • What do the numbers mean

    • Benchmarks for the district

RSVP to or phone 02 67323443

Book your place - numbers are limited!

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