Chilean needle grass,named for its sharp pointed seed,is regarded as one of the worst weeds in Australia. Chilean needle grass is a perennial tussock grass which grows in dense clumps up to 1m in height. It is highly drought resistant, relatively un‐ palatable, can cause injury to livestock, contaminates wool and reduces biodiversity by outcompeting native species.
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall is encouraging the community to help shape the direction of the NSW Government’s state-wide koala strategy, which aims to secure and increase NSW koala numbers. Mr Marshall said government would embark on a whole-of-government koala strategy and spend $10 million over five years to acquire vital koala habitat, following the release of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer Professor Mary O’Kane AC’s Report of the Independent Review into the Decline of Koala Populations in Key Areas of NSW.
The FeralScan community pest animal monitoring and mapping program has been recognised with one of Australia’s top environmental honours, receiving the Minister’s award for a cleaner environment in the field of research and science excellence. The award, sponsored by the Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy, was announced last night during the 2016 Banksia Foundation Awards ceremony in Sydney.
The Rummerys Hill Landcare group combined with GLENRAC are holding a ProGraze course early in 2016. ProGraze is a NSW Department of Primary Industries course designed to foster skills in assessing pasture and animal production, and to develop pasture and livestock management plans.