Fine tuning grazing management


The Rummerys Hill Landcare group combined with GLENRAC are holding a ProGraze course early in 2016. ProGraze is a NSW Department of Primary Industries course designed to foster skills in assessing pasture and animal production, and to develop pasture and livestock management plans.

Instead of the full eight day course, this is the abridged version and will run for two days, plus one follow-up day. Since many people work full time, this course will be run on the weekend of 30th & 31st of January to allow more people to attend. The date of the follow-up day will be decided by the group in January.

The course will be presented by Senior Land Services Officers from the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services. Jeff Lowien, Senior Land Service Officer, has conducted many ProGraze courses during his time working as an agronomist, and believes they are excellent value. “ProGraze covers essential areas of the practical side of a grazing operation.

“You’ll learn how to visually assess pasture quality and quality; how this affects animal production; how to match your livestock requirements; and how to predict livestock production based on your pasture”. Other course components include assessing livestock fat scores, grazing for worm control, and developing pasture, grazing, and livestock management plans.

There is a considerable amount of content to get through, so the course will run from 8:30am – 5:00pm both days. Normally costing $550, the subsidised cost of the event is $40 per person, and lunch and morning tea are included both days. Each participant will receive a course manual. To register or for more information, please visit

For further information please contact the GLENRAC office on 6732 3443 or email

This project is supported by the Australian Government’s 25th Anniversary Landcare Grants. 


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