Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said he was proud to be involved in obtaining the grant and said the annual gathering is a life-changing event for participants, particularly in times of great stress.
DEER hunting regulations have been lifted across the Northern Tablelands to help licensed hunters assist farmers manage deer numbers, Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall announced today.
Originally introduced fromEurope,most probably as a hedge plant, broom species prefer cooler climates and have established in many parts of the NorthernTablelands. Once established, brooms will form very dense thickets which will exclude desirable species in native communities and reduce stocking rates on agricultural land. Additionally, they provide habitat for feral animals including rabbits, foxes and pigs. It is also believed to be toxic to both stock and humans.
The Murray Darling Basin is under threat from invasion by the pest fish Tilapia. Landholders, fishers and river users are encouraged to be on the lookout for Tilapia in the Northern Tablelands region. Tilapia are widespread in many coastal catchments of QLD and parts of northern NSW and are at risk of spreading rapidly.