Wellington Vale landholders keen to control pests


Twenty four landholders from the Wellington Vale area attended GLENRAC’s field day at the Tent Hill Hall on Wednesday 18th of November. The day comprised of discussions on both weeds and pest animals.

The first presentation was on GLENRAC’s current weed projects targeting weed control on private and public land to reduce threats to biodiversity from the spread on invasive weeds. The first project, funded by the federal government’s 25th Anniversary Landcare grants, is focussed on woody weeds on private property adjoining Wellington Vale Rd, Torrington Rd, Rayners Rd, Strachan Rd and Newsome’s Rd.

The second project is funded by the Glen Innes Severn Council, and targets weed control on private land that adjoins Council managed roadside areas that have been identified and Medium and High conservation value. Both of these projects aim to establish a buffer zone between public and private land, and have funding available for chemical and contractors in eligible areas. Applications for both projects close on Monday 30th of November.

Staff from the New England Weeds Authority (NEWA) presented information at the field day on common weeds of the area and tips for control, and information on emerging weeds. NEWA now carry out the weed management and control functions on behalf of Glen Innes Severn Council.

Eden Sutherland from the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services introduced the group to a new tool to the pest animal control toolkit: canid pest ejectors. Eden also discussed training courses for land managers to use and purchase these, as well as courses for 1080 and pindone. Plans are now underway to conduct a training course with Northern Tablelands local Land Services for all control measures at Wellington Vale in the near future. If you are interested in participating, please contact GLENRAC.

Other services available through GLENRAC were also discussed at the field day, including opportunities to apply for funding for on-ground projects, planning and development of individual projects, and property maps.

Application forms for both weed control projects are available from the office at 68 Church St, or online at www.glenrac.org.au. Please phone GLENRAC on 6732 3443 for further information on any of these topics.


Fine tuning grazing management


War on weeds at Wellington Vale