GLENRAC’s Bushfire recovery grant soon available to landholders in the Glen Innes region


Expressions of Interest will soon be open for GLENRAC’s Bushfire Recovery Project, which is funded through the Northern Tablelands Local Land Services and NSW government.

The grant aims to assist individuals and community groups within 50km of Glen Innes to complete small on-ground works in the recovery from the 2019/2020 bushfires, as well improving future preparedness of landholders and/or communities in the event of similar circumstances.

Eligible activities to assist bushfire affected landholders would include increasing animal welfare knowledge and practices (e.g including but not limited to loading ramps, cattle crushes, portable panels, training) and combating priority weeds (e.g. purchase of herbicides, payment of contractors, contribution towards weeds spraying equipment).

The Expressions of Interest process is very straightforward and will be opening online. ‘Land managers may also contact us for assistance with completing the form as a hard copy if needed,’ said Project Manager, Christine Davis.

‘There is tight turnaround for this project, as Expressions of Interest open on 11 January 2021 and close at midnight, 26 January 2021, with all project activities to be completed by 15 May 2021. The good news is that the successful applicants will be advised by mid-February and the contracted activities can then commence.’ 

For more information email


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