Ben Lomond Compost for Farms & Gardens Field Day


More than 50 people from as far away as Tamworth and Tenterfield were treated to an informative presentation by Luke Bowman from “Break it Down Composting” Manilla, at the Ben Lomond Memorial Hall on Thursday 21st June.  He walked us through his introduction to composting using the CMC method (controlled microbial composting) developed by the Luebke family in Austria.

Luke spoke of the importance of humus and micro life in soils creating increased soil health and contributing to healthy land and production.  Other topics included humus compost production, building compost windrows, compost turners and other machinery, compost tea and extract production and hand composting for gardeners.  Luke’s knowledge and experience enabled him to give tips on what “not” to do, and important factors like good site preparation and compost testing.

There were lots of questions from people on various aspects of the presentation. Luke also gave out a few compost recipes to trial at home and on farm,  and demonstrated a small compost tea maker.

Feedback received by Glenrac has been very positive – “thank you for a fantastic field day” “It was very useful with knowledgeable people sharing their experiences”. 

This day was made possible by GLENRAC, the Australian Government through Caring for Our Country program, and the Ben Lomond Landcare group.  Please contact GLENRAC for more information and future events 6732 3443,


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