NRCMA 2012 Incentive Program



GLENRAC is assisting the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (CMA) in promoting the 2012-13 Northern Rivers CMA Incentive Program. The Program offers an opportunity for eligible landholders, groups of landholders and community volunteers, Natural Resource Management (NRM) providers and agencies to apply for funds to conduct on ground environmental works.

John Williams, Chair of the Northern Rivers CMA, said the program provides financial support for a range of different on ground works and activities. “Examples include weed and pest animal control works, rehabilitation and repair of degraded lands and streambanks, implementation of soil conservation measures and fencing to better protect and manage native vegetation” 

This year applicants have an opportunity to apply for either a Small Project up to the value of $5,000 or a Major Project between $5,000 and $112,500. Those wishing to apply under the Major Projects must have a Recognised NRM Plan. “If you don’t have a recognised NRM plan, consider applying to the Plan Development Program which supports the development of NRM plans by qualified providers.

Eligibility and assessment criteria apply. “Priority will be given to applications that achieve catchment targets and outcomes, offer value for money, foster partnerships and increase community awareness of environmental issues,” Mr Williams said.

In addition GLENRAC will host a Project Planning workshop on the 12th April at the Services Club from 10:00 to 3:00pm. There will be a presentation at 11:00am and a repeat presentation at 1:00pm on how to plan and prepare a funding application. GLENRAC staff will be available throughout the day to discuss your projects ideas, help with mapping and preparing project budgets.

Applications to the Incentive Program close Friday 27th April 2012. For more information visit the NRCMA website at The Incentive Program is funded through the State Government’s Catchment Action NSW and the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country Program.


Landcare Awards 2012


Plant Identification of trees and shrubs on Rummerys Hill