Pasture to Pocket - Profitable Grazing and Regenerating Agriculture


Young graziers in the Glen Innes district focused on improving farm profit and protecting their natural resources are encouraged to attend a 2 ½ day sustainable grazing workshop.   “Pasture to Pocket” begins 23rd October and is presented by nationally renowned Resource Consulting Services at the heavily discounted price of $100 per person (normally $1,000).  The workshop involves a mix of “in room” theory discussions as well as a field trip focusing on applying the principles and tools discussed.

The Pasture to Pocket program will investigate the most up-to-date grazing principles landholders can apply to improve animal performance and maximising farm profitability while looking after the natural environment.  GLENRAC is very excited to be hosting this course locally as previous workshops have been quite a distance.  This will be a big boost to our local community and especially the younger farmers in the district.

Subjects covered in the Pasture to Pocket workshops include the benefits and drawbacks of a range of grazing systems, principles of sustainable grazing, property development and planning, and animal supplementation strategies.  The course provides information for graziers to calculate total stock feed requirements for their herd as well as total pasture feed availability for the months ahead, so grazing intensity can be matched to pasture growth to maximize productivity.

A detailed understanding of stock nutrition, plant nutrition, plant health, carrying capacity and pasture growth patterns can lead to increased productivity, faster pasture regeneration and increased ground cover.

GLENRAC will also host four follow-up events for participants of the Pasture to Pocket course to cover topics raised through the course.  These events will be a mix of mini workshops and field trips.

This workshop is supported by GLENRAC, Glen East Landcare group and the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country Community Action Grants program.

Numbers are limited so please be sure to register early as once maximum is reached no further registrations will be accepted.   To register please contact GLENRAC 6732 3443 or email by the 19th October 2012.


Trees for Farms Field Day


Mapping of Native Trees & Shrubs - Expressions of Interest