Future Drought Fund initiatives

Download a PDF of the plan

On 22 January 2025, the Australian Government released the Future Drought Fund Investment Strategy.

The Strategy is our roadmap for building drought-resilient farms, landscapes and communities. It shows how we will achieve the FDF objectives. It also tells stakeholders when they can engage with drought resilience programs and activities.

The Strategy supports the Drought Resilience Funding Plan.

The Funding Plan came into effect on 9 February 2024 and outlines the rules within which the Fund must operate. The Funding Plan and Investment Strategy were informed by stakeholder feedback, the independent FDF Consultative Committee, and recent Productivity Commission Inquiry Report.

Read more about the Future Drought Fund Initiative.

Australian Government Drought Plan

Drought is a recurring feature of the Australian landscape, and it is forecast to become more frequent, severe and longer-lasting in many regions. The Australian Government is working with farmers, rural communities, the states and territories, and the agriculture, finance and not-for-profit sectors to build Australia’s capacity to withstand drought.

A new plan has been released to guide and explain Australian Government policies and programs for farming businesses and communities preparing for, managing through and recovering from drought.

The Drought Plan:

  • provides a clearer explanation of what the government will and won’t do in drought

  • outlines what programs are available for farmers before, during and after drought

  • promotes better coordination of these programs across Australian, state and territory governments

  • seeks to work with farmers, their communities, the agriculture and finance sectors, other government and non-government organisations on drought.

The 5-year plan supports the National Drought Agreement (NDA) signed earlier this year between the Commonwealth, states and territories, and explains how the Australian Government will meet its obligations under the agreement.

Like the NDA, the plan covers measures to get ready for drought as well as support for farmers in hardship, regardless of when and where conditions dry.

Download a copy of the Australian Government Drought Plan


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