Wellington Vale landholders keen to control pests
Beth O'Loughlin Beth O'Loughlin

Wellington Vale landholders keen to control pests

Twenty four landholders from the Wellington Vale area attended GLENRAC’s field day at the Tent Hill Hall on Wednesday 18th of November. The day comprised of discussions on both weeds and pest animals.

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War on weeds at Wellington Vale
Beth O'Loughlin Beth O'Loughlin

War on weeds at Wellington Vale

GLENRAC will host a short field day for landholders in the Wellington Vale district next Wednesday 18th November at the Tent Hill Hall. The field day will launch GLENRAC’s 25thAnniversary Landcare Grant project targeting weed control on private and public land to reduce threats to biodiversity from the spread on invasive weeds.

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Get the dirt on soil health
Beth O'Loughlin Beth O'Loughlin

Get the dirt on soil health

GLENRAC will host a bus trip to Derek & Fiona Smith’s property ‘Kennilworth’ located just outside of Guyra to ‘get the dirt’ on soil health on Thursday 19th November. Derek Smith has presented at a number of GLENRAC events in the last seven years and is well known for his innovative but practical approach to managing soils, pastures and livestock.

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GLENRAC & Glen Innes Severn Counil join forces on weeds
Beth O'Loughlin Beth O'Loughlin

GLENRAC & Glen Innes Severn Counil join forces on weeds

In a move to improve roadside weed management, Glen Innes Severn Council and the Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee (GLENRAC) are working together with landholders to manage noxious and environmental weeds. The aim of the project is to establish a buffer zone between Council and privately owned land, for more coordinated and effective weed management.

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